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Hello Everybody.
I am implementing an architecture of rest services like in TinyBlog
tutorial. Now I want to implement post
methods. But it doesn't work. My
execute function
    | user u |
        user := NeoJSONReader fromString: self context request rawBody.
        u := User new pseudo: (user at: #pseudo);
                numero_telephone: (user at: #numero_telephone).
                user save.
     ] on: Error do: [ self context request badRequest ].
        self dataType: WAMimeType textPlain with: ''

neojsonmapping on class User

neoJsonMapping: mapper
    mapper for: self do: [ :mapping | mapping mapAllInstVars ]

The restfilter consumes */json.

I test it with ZnClient but that is not working.
ZnClient new
        url: 'http://localhost:8080/Application/users/add';
        formAt: 'pseudo' put: 'Big man';
        formAt: 'numero_telephone' put: '99546321';
I don't know what is the matter.



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