Hi Holgen,

This should be fixed by updating #serializeTestFailureContext:toFileNamed:.
The API of the debugger was refactored in Pharo 5 and it seems like
was not updated in Pharo 5. Created an issue case 19477
Also currently on mac there is another issue when fueling out the stack  (case
19064 <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19064/Fuel-out-stack-not-working>)


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Holger Freyther <hol...@freyther.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I showed Pharo to a friend and wanted to show the nice feature of fueling
> out an exception and then using FLMaterializer 
> class>>#materializeFromFileNamed:
> to load it back and get a debugger up. In Pharo5 I am presented a DNU
> instead.
> The DNU is on GTGenericStackDebugger as it doesn't understand the message
> Fuel is sending. What to fix, Fuel to use the new protocol or
> GTGenericStackDebugger to honor the old protocol?
> FueldOutStackDebugAction>>#serializeTestFailureContext: aContext
> toFileNamed: aFilename
>         | serializer |
>         serializer := FLSerializer newDefault.
>         self encodeDebugInformationOn: serializer.
>         serializer addPostMaterializationAction: [ :materialization |
>                 Smalltalk tools debugger
>                         openOn: Processor activeProcess
>                         context: materialization root
>                         label: 'External stack'
>                         contents: nil
>                         fullView: false ].
> So it looks like now it should create a debug session first and then pass
> it to the debugger? I think loading new fuel in Pharo3.x is still possible
> so maybe it is best to re-add that protocol?
> comments?
> holger

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