On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:48:42AM -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> So, I'm wondering for a better way to make the
> path to the sqlite binary not hard coded into UDBCSQLite3 and
> creating some #library: setter that lets the user to setup the
> sqlite3 location if the file on UDBCSQLite3Library>>#library is
> non-existent or wrong.

Looks like this calls for a class variable to hold the library location that
can be (re)set by the user / application programmer?

In NBSQLite3 I have integrated SQLcipher which provides transparent full
database encryption for SQLite. I keep libsqlcipher.so separate from
libsqlite.so. To switch between SQLite and SQLcipher for the unit tests I
remember using a class variable, in what may be called a 'doubleton' pattern.

The SQLcipher bits aren't in UDBCSQLite3 yet.

I'm also working on using Ansible to deploy VM and images programmatically.
Using this mechanism I deploy both libsqlite.so and libsqlcipher.so into the VM
directory, so the situation where Pharo cannot find the shared library does not


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