2016-11-12 14:02 GMT+01:00 olivier auverlot <olivier.auver...@gmail.com>:

> Denis,
> Could you publish a snippet of code that generates a PDF document with a
> text that contains russians letters ? We need to test.
> For russian letters, I think That You need a consistent font and the
> proper encoding. Normally, the Helvetica / Arial  should be ok. For the
> encoding, the standard fonts use ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252. If you use
> UTF8, You Could try to convert your text to this encoding before insert it
> in the PDF document.

I tried this:

text := (UTF8TextConverter new convertToSystemString: 'Привет').
PDFDocument new add: (PDFPage new add: (PDFTextElement new
font: (PDFHelveticaFont new fontSize: 32pt);
text: text; from: 10mm@10mm)); exportTo: aStream

But no success: 'ПрР̧Ð2ÐμÑ‚' inside.

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