Hi Chris,

last year in Brussel (Fosdem 2015) Stephan Eggermond & me , did nearly the same 

Your stepping in very high with your talk. (not a critic but observation last 
time I did it) 

Did you remember the “cool" thinks on Smalltalk:
        - Start with a SUnit Test 
        - Create a method with accept in a Refactoring Browser (Both the same 
Pharo and VW)
        - Debugger is your friend - directly writing code… 

The thinks you write down you can do with other languages too.. the question is 
more why using smalltalk.

Success with you presentation :)


> On 30 Oct 2016, at 08:39, Christian Haider 
> <christian.hai...@smalltalked-visuals.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> in two weeks, I am going to give a little talk about Smalltalk: 
> http://metameute.de/nook2016/ 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__metameute.de_nook2016_&d=DQMFAw&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=ft-1QIM8cvtSHfdpPsQH-8KWGw6YwOgYlZIk9TUZRnI&m=ATNH3e-u6y6KCrcoyYx4sKBiikVF5mDHEi0RAMEeiNA&s=b8Ppz_zDqqrl44tjdZ3i23m9tPRHClnaFFwfYtdDtmw&e=>
>  .
> It is 45 min with students who probably never heard of Smalltalk.
> I want to concentrate on the liveliness of the environment with the tools: 
> Workspace, Inspector, Browser and Debugger.
> For this, I need a simple but nice example.
> I will use VisualWorks 8.2 and Mirko, a new Smalltalk lover, will use Pharo 5.
> We want to have the computers connected, maybe also a Pi, to show the 
> platform independence of the image concept.
> The first idea was a chat client. A client and a server in one image. Then in 
> two images on one machine, on two machines (also the Pi), maybe in two 
> dialects (VW, Pharo).
> Possible to transfer code (blocks) across images (that should blow their 
> minds J).
> This is cool, but I am not sure if this is not too much and distracting with 
> other technologies.
> Another is to read a csv file or web service and parse it into objects. With 
> the right kind of cool data it is fun to mold these objects for the tools.
> This not so sexy, but easy to do from scratch. Unfortunately, the different 
> computers would not play a role.
> As you see, I am a bit lost and wanted to ask you guys for ideas.
> Happy hacking,
>                 Christian
> P.S. Here in Lübeck, a town in northern Germany, the attitude towards 
> Smalltalk is generally positive, interested and curious. Maybe it is time for 
> a Smalltalk renaissance?

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