Thank you for pushing this new version of Pharo by Example !

Would be nice to put Pharo 5.0 edition in the cover maybe ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 28 oct. 2016 à 15:47, stepharo <> a écrit :
> we need a fresnel lens and such books are some :)
>> Le 27/10/16 à 13:32, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
>> In case someone missed it I will be doing a release for version 5 (pharo 
>> version = pbe version) this weekend , since we had Pharo 7 initiated few 
>> days ago.
>> Essentially that means that the repo will be tagged for version 5, which 
>> means a git commit is associated as a last commit for that version and there 
>> will be a frozen release - download for Pharo by Example version 5. After 
>> that we move to Pharo By Example version 6 or PBE6 for short
>> The repo wont change otherwise and the process of submitting commits, pull 
>> requests and issues remains the same.
>> If you have found a flaw of any sort in the documentation , please open an 
>> issue in the github issue tracker that can be found here
>> I will try to fix any problem reported but if I cannot , the fix will have 
>> to move to version 6
>> As always thanks to all people contributing into the impossible .... making 
>> Pharo more amazing
>> If you want to contribute feel free to do so with a pull request.
>> Does not matter if you are beginner because even minor corrections like 
>> correcting mistakes in the grammar or content of the text, updated pictures, 
>> or just a few lines of extra info are more than enough and more than 
>> welcomed. Many Pharo beginners have already done so .
>> -Salute to fellow Guardians of The Light

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