What ruby runtime exactly ? The standard ruby interpreter, rubinius, JRuby ?

What do you mean by performance ? Smallest time to run long computation ?
Latency for web servers ? Pauses in real time applications ?

The standard ruby interpreter is really slow (likely ~100 times slower than
the Pharo 5 VM), now it binds directly multiple C librairies, such as the
regex librairy, while these librairies are written in Smalltalk in Pharo.
So if you measure regex performance I am pretty sure that ruby is at least
10 times faster, if not 100 times.

So basically it depends on what benchmark you are measuring. We don't do
cross languages benchmarks in our servers, only versus other Smalltalks.
That website (http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/) compares ruby and
JRuby to VW which has similar speed to Pharo 5.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Vitor Medina Cruz <vitormc...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> How is Pharo compared with Ruby in terms of performance? Has someone done
> some comparison benchmark? If yes, that was done with other platforms?
> Regards,
> VItor

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