And wht I learned is that we should do

ClassOfObjectsThatMustDie allInstances first become: nil
but really String new.

Le 6/9/16 à 02:22, Ben Coman a écrit :
Ohhh... nice... shiny...

That is much easier to remember.  Thanks Andres.

cheers -ben

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 5:21 AM, Andres Valloud
<> wrote:
So why doesn't two-way become: help, e.g.

ClassOfObjectsThatMustDie allInstances first become: String new

As soon as that do-it unwinds there won't be any references to what the new
string became (the new string wasn't referenced further), so...

On 9/5/16 8:50 , Ben Coman wrote:
Sometimes its *really* hard to kill some objects.  It seems that
inspecting a list of pointersTo creates additional hanging references.
This was frustrating me just now, so I finally hacked a way forward.
Sharing it in case its useful to others, and also I can find it again
searching the list.  This needs to run for each object.

Smalltalk garbageCollect.
target := ClassOfObjectsThatMustDie allInstances first.
SystemNavigation default allObjectsDo: [ :e |
    (e isKindOf: Association) ifTrue: [ e value = target ifTrue: [ e
value: nil ] ].
    (e isKindOf: Array) ifTrue: [ 1 to: e size do: [ :i | (e at: i) =
target ifTrue: [ e at: i put: nil ] ] ]
target := nil.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.

cheers -ben

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