On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 07:50:10AM +0200, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 29/08/16 21:47, Yuriy Tymchuk wrote:
>> [...]
>> >
>> >
>> > > It pains me that we are editing Pillar in outside tools, and now we
>> > > should no longer have to do that. Of course, this is not the most
>> > > ideal tool support for Pillar but I think it is a reasonable start.
>> >
>> > To make things sadder: when I need to write some short “richish" I’m
>> > using markdown instead for pillar because in ATOM I can open the
>> > rendered version of my document that will update while i type (and will
>> > display images and so on). It could be nice to have the same
>> > functionality in Pharo, but I’m really busy with improving other parts.
>> > Additionally I’m not sure that it makes sense to reimplement rich text
>> > editor in Pharo.
>> >
>> > Uko
>> >
>> For me it would be really nice to have this kind of support for markdown.
>> That's the language I'm using for writing my PhD thesis in Pharo, and in
>> fact now that I'm in hackademia Summer School[1] is nice to find some other
>> PhD students that in fact are using markdown in their writing.
>> [1] 
>> http://www.leuphana.de/en/research-centers/cdc/digital-cultures-research-lab/events/summer-school-2016.html
>> Having syntax highlighting and graphics preview for markdown would be a way
>> to introduce some new non-technical users and researchers to the Pharo
>> world, reproducible research, interactive documentation and modable tools,
>> but we need to start in a place they know, for example its markup language.
> I don't really see the benefit of pushing Markdown into Pharo at _this 
> moment_ (there is PetitParser for some flavor of md though).
> If you want to use Markdown, then there is already fifteen billion of other 
> tools outside.
> If you want deep integration with Pharo, then that takes a lot of effort, 
> which is being invested into Pillar, because Pillar is aiming to be a much 
> more powerful format --- maybe one day comparable to reStructuredText and to 
> what Python does with rst/sphinx.

Yes a lot of effort has already been put on Pillar and should continue
this effort.
If you want to use Markdown, you can use existing tools outside the image.

> Don't forget that markdown, although an excellent markup for what it knows, 
> is also very simplistic.
> So if you want to use Markdown for PhD, then you are actually not using 
> markdown, but most likely pandoc (or some richer syntax, such as scholarly 
> markdown)... and support for either is another order of magnitude more 
> complex.
> Bottom line(s):
>         * there's a continuous investment into improvement and deep 
> integration of Pillar
>         * not enough resources to go around and implement any notation
>         * Markdown is too simplistic for any advanced writing (and yes, I 
> used it to write papers and my thesis, but it also includes pandoc and many 
> make/bash/ruby scripts to hack around)

Markdown is not a good idea for thesis, but org-mode+org-babel is
quite good for papers. You might have a look to
Scimax that is based on these tools: http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/scimax

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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