On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 12:04:00PM +0200, Robert Kuszinger wrote:
> Anyway, on windows it crashed many times (On WIndows I downloaded this:
> http://moosetechnology.org/res/download/moose_suite_6_0-win.zip)

The VM is not particularly stable even on linux when it comes to FreeType and 
Considering crashes on Windows do not even produce crash dumps, I don't see the 
problems being fixed anytime soon (unless the fix for linux will also magically 
fix windows too).

> I observed that windows crash moment was always some kind of animation
> (window transition animation of the Roassal exmaples browser or
> visualization animation like pan or zoom).

It crashes during cairo repaint, and it doesn't really matter what it was 
triggered by.

> Question:
>    - Is there a way to disable Roassal visualization animations?

No, because it doesn't exist. (See the end.)

>    - is there a way to disable window component animation in the Roassal
>    Example Browser? (When clicking on the dots and moving between examples
>    list and the visualization example itself, for example)

I don't know what you mean. But if you think that it would prevent the crashes, 
then know it will not.

> I wonder if it would make the windows run more stable.

No. That's VM / VM+plugins issue.

> On Linux it is OK but also painfully slow (ok, old machines).

Some examples visualize a ton of data, so they are slow. (There are not many 
performance optimizations in Roassal.)

> I prefer animationless repaint of the visualization canvas and window
> transitions.

There is nothing like "animationless" or "animationfull" repaint, just like 
video is just static images repainted in fast succession (e.g. 30 or 60 images 
per second).
Repaint is a repaint. If it looks "animated", that's because there are many 
repaints occurring quickly.


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