Hi all,

Thanks Nicolai. Your examples helped me to advance and now I have the basic possibility to modify the tree. The two methods that did the trick are #addNode and #highlightNextitem, listed below, but I still get a MNU: receiver of "selectedMorphList is nil, anytime I try to highlight the next item and even from time to time with your code example. If you or anyone want to work with the code directly please install run the playgrounds at [1], [2] & [3], select any node after running [3] and press the Plus button. You'll see that nodes are added in the tree after the current selection, but the recently added node doesn't get the selection after being created (instead the MNU mentioned before, appears).

I will try to use the new created grafoscopio node and look for the TreeNodeModel which has this node as a content to get the highlight.

Help as always is greatly appreciated.



[1] http://ws.stfx.eu/M5A1F2NPD0QU
[2] http://ws.stfx.eu/EVOY0UKH74L0
[3] http://ws.stfx.eu/5EF0OCUIG7CY


    tree needRebuild: true.
    tree highlightedItem content addNodeAfterMe.
    self notebookContent: notebook.
    self highlightNextItem.
    self buildWithSpecLayout: self class defaultSpec.


    | currentItem |
    currentItem := tree highlightedItem.
        ifNotNil: [ | allItems index childrenSize parentNode |
            currentItem parentNode
                ifNil: [
                    parentNode := currentItem container.
                    allItems := parentNode roots ]
                ifNotNil: [
                    parentNode := currentItem parentNode.
                    allItems := parentNode children value. ].
            childrenSize := currentItem content parent children size.
            index := allItems indexOf: currentItem.
            (index < childrenSize) ifTrue: [
                "{allItems . currentItem . index } inspect."
                currentItem selected: false.
highlightedItem: ((allItems at:(index+1)) selected:true;

On 11/08/16 13:05, Nicolai Hess wrote:

2016-08-10 21:03 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com <mailto:nicolaih...@gmail.com>>:

    2016-08-10 20:42 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com

        2016-08-10 19:12 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com

            2016-08-10 19:05 GMT+02:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
            <offray.l...@mutabit.com <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>>:


                I have been fighting with this for several hours until
                now. I can't understand how to manage change on
                selections on TreeModels with Spec, which is really

                Here is what I have:

                    tree whenSelectedItemChanged:  [ :item |
                        self updateBodyFor: item.
                        header whenTextChanged: [ :arg |
                            (tree selectedItem content header) = arg
                                ifFalse: [
                                    (tree highlightedItem) content
                header: arg.
                                    tree roots: tree roots]]]

                GrafoscopioNotebook>>updateBodyFor: item
                        ifNotNil: [ self changeBody: item ]
                        ifNil: [ self inform: 'Nil node'  ]

                and #changeBody: deals with putting a textual or code
                pane according to some tags on the selected node (and
                it's working properly).

                The problem seems that when I add/delete nodes to my
                tree, or while changing the selection between nodes,
                the item variable becomes temporarily nil and I can't
                update the contents of the body to correspond to the
                current selection. I would like to say explicitly that
                a new tree added node gets the selection and that the
                deletion of nodes gives selection to its siblings or
                parent (if there are not siblings) and that node body
                pane should be updated accordingly.

                Again, any hint would be really valuable... I'll take
                a break from the computer to dissipate current
                frustration... Pharo is generally a happy productive
                place... but not today :-/... anyway some hits are
                part of learning to play with it.

            Hi Offray,
            I do remember that I tried this as well, I will if I can
            find out how far I got it to work.

        a simiple example:

        |t nodeBlock |
        nodeBlock:= [:class | |node|
            node := TreeNodeModel new.
            node hasChildren:[ class subclasses isEmpty not].
            node children: [class subclasses collect:[:subclass |
        nodeBlock value: subclass]].
            node content: class].
        t:=TreeModel new.
        t roots: (Morph subclasses collect:[:class | nodeBlock
        t whenBuiltDo:[ t selectedItem:( t roots first
        t openWithSpec

        the important part is the "takeHighlight" and to call it after
        the widget is built

    And an awfull example on how to modify selection (only the nodes
    of the root, couldn't find out how to do it for arbitrary subnodes)

    |t nodeBlock |
    nodeBlock:= [:class | |node|
        node := TreeNodeModel new.
        node hasChildren:[ class subclasses isEmpty not].
        node children: [class subclasses collect:[:subclass |
    nodeBlock value: subclass]].
        node content: class].
    t:=TreeModel new.
    t autoDeselection:true.
    t roots: (Morph subclasses collect:[:class | nodeBlock value:class]).
    t menu:[:menu ||group|
        group := MenuGroupModel new.
        menu addMenuGroup: group.
        group addMenuItem:(MenuItemModel new name:'next';action:[
            item := t selectedItem.
            item ifNotNil:[|allItems index|
                allItems := item container roots.
                index := allItems indexOf: item.
                (index < allItems size) ifTrue:[item selected:false.
    item container selectedItem:((allItems at:(index+1))
    t whenBuiltDo:[ t selectedItem:( t roots first
    t openWithSpec

    again, the important part is #selectedItem: and #takeHighlight,
    otherwise the model doesn't know about the selection change.

Hm, yes, updating the selection after deletion is much more difficult. The problem is that most in spec TreeModel is done for creating the tree widget, not
for managing nodes and changes afterwards.



                On 07/08/16 16:11, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:


                    I have a Spec TreeModel to represent the GUI of a
                    grafoscopio notebook.

                    The message that deletes nodes is something like this:


                        | nodeToDelete |
                        nodeToDelete := tree selectedItem content.
                        nodeToDelete parent removeNode: nodeToDelete.
                        tree selectedItem: tree selectedItem parentNode.
                        tree needRebuild: true.
                        tree roots: tree roots.
                        self buildWithSpecLayout: self class defaultSpec.


                    And its working fine in the sense that it deletes
                    the selected node, but after the deletion the
                    contents of the old node are showed no matter if I
                    change the node selection on the tree. I would
                    like to manage selections in a smart way, so if I
                    add a new node to the notebook, the new node gets
                    the selection. If I delete a notebook node, the
                    previous node gets selected or the parent if no
                    more siblings are encountered and so on. There is
                    some simple example to look for, about managing
                    and updating selections in a TreeModel interface?



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