
do you think that this example should be added to the layout chapter?


Le 17/8/16 à 21:10, Peter Uhnák a écrit :

you normally control the (relative) sizes through the layout, e.g.

ui := DynamicComposableModel new.

ui instantiateModels: #(text TextInputFieldModel btn1 ButtonModel btn2 ButtonModel).

ui btn1 label: 'Button 1'.
ui btn2 label: 'Button 2'.

layout := SpecColumnLayout composed
newRow: [ :row |
add: #text;
add: #btn1 width: 60;
add: #btn2 width: 60
] height: ComposableModel toolbarHeight;
newRow: [ :row | ].

ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.

If you want want more details, I suggest you read the Spec Booklet

A lot of effort has been put into it recently to update it, so it should be up-to-date.


On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Brad Selfridge < <>> wrote:

    I'm trying to build a toolbar widget that contains two fixed width
    buttons, a
    variable width textInputBox followed by two more fixed width
    buttons. I'm
    not sure how to mix fixed and variable width widgets.

    Can someone give me an idea on how to do this?


    Brad Selfridge
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