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Hi Stef,

I was wrong, the descriptions exist in the Keymap Browser, but their
shortcut name are "next" and "previous".
A better name is #goBackInTheNavigationHistory and
so the selector could be
NautilusUI class>>buildHistoryShortcutsOn: aBuilder

        (aBuilder shortcut: #goBackInTheNavigationHistory)
                category: #NautilusGlobalShortcuts
                default: $[ meta shift
                do: [:target| target previous ]
                description: 'Go back in the navigation history.'.
        (aBuilder shortcut: #goForwardInTheNavigationHistory)
                category: #NautilusGlobalShortcuts
                default: $] meta shift
                do: [:target| target next ]
                description: 'Go forward in the navigation history'.


stepharo wrote
> Hi Davide
> add them to the description and send us a fix.
> Stef

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