The only GUI API inside the standard Pharo image is Morphic.

Everything else are just Helper APIs , aka APIs that make easier to use

They basically sit on top of Morphic making use of its functionality and

Actually there are more than the ones you mentioned. Bloc will be the
future replacement for Morphic but even when Bloc replaces Morphic will not
radical change things because it is compatible with Morphic.

In short Morphic currently is unavoidable.

However there are APIs to make creating GUIs easier with Morphic without
necessarily requiring from you to know how to use Morphic. Spec is such
example as is Brick as well.

Glamour falls under the category of a specialised helpers because it mostly
meant to be used for the creation of browsers not for general purpose APIs.

However that does not mean Morphic is not "high level" , it actually comes
with a lot of ready made widgets to make your life easier. It does however
have a lot of nasty parts too and this is why you see so many APIs around
you that confuse you.

In reality each one of them solves a slightly diffirent problem and each
one of them have a different style. So see it as more alternative solutions
to choose from which is good.

If you want to do something demanding GUI wise, you will be learning
Morphic anyway because its the engine that drives all this APIs currently,
in the future those APIs may work on top of Bloc , but since Bloc wants to
be compatible with Morphic this is good news for you because you can carry
your knowledge about Morphic to Bloc.

Spec is good if you want to quickly make GUIs without heavy customization.

You could also use multiple of them at the same time depending on the
widgets you plan to design and do the difficult parts in pure Morphic, any
API you use you always have access to the Morphic widgets it uses called
"Morphs" anyway.

Because Spec is the one with the best documentation, I advise to start with
Spec and depending on your needs you can start to worry about Morphic later

Generally speaking you dont need to panic, people around here are very
happy to answer any question you may have, so even without documentation
its very unlikely that you will be left alone to figure things out by

So start experimenting and ask a ton of questions.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:26 PM Brad Selfridge <> wrote:

> Ok! I'm really confused. I'm wanting to write new GUI and I have no idea
> which framework to use. There is very little documentation on any of these
> and I don't see a clear cut statement of direction as to where the Pharo
> community is heading.
> Can someone please advise?
> Thanks.
> -----
> Brad Selfridge
> --
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