PS: for the first example, the alignment is not respected, the vec3 structure is starting at 9 but uffi is fetching it at 5

On 06/07/2016 17:55, Merwan Ouddane wrote:
Another test:
I replaced double by integer, for visibility...
typedef struct vec3 {
     int data[3];
} vec3;

add a second vec3 to position:

typedef struct position {
     int i;
     vec3 vec;
     vec3 vec2;
} position;

Now in pharo:
Position >> fieldsDesc
"self rebuildFieldAccessors"
    ^ #(
    int i;
    Vec3 vec;
    Vec3 vec2;

The size returned for each stucture is 16 instead of 12 that because of the "8 byte alignment"

Meaning that the "position" structure is corrupted.

With this function:

extern "C" void DLL_EXPORT fillStruct(position *position)
    position -> i = 19;
    (position -> vec).data[0] = 1;
    (position -> vec).data[1] = 2;
    (position -> vec).data[2] = 3;
    (position -> vec2).data[0] = 1;
    (position -> vec2).data[1] = 2;
    (position -> vec2).data[2] = 3;

We will get:
position i == 19
position vec at: 1 == 1
position vec2 at: 1 == 2

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Ronie Salgado < <>> wrote:

    I compiled the DLL using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
    Later I will check with mingw.

    2016-07-05 14:58 GMT+02:00 Merwan Ouddane <

        Using codeblocks, mine are:

        mingw32-g++.exe -m32 -DBUILD_DLL -c main.cpp -o obj\Release\main.o
        mingw32-g++.exe -shared
-Wl,--out-implib=bin\Release\libTest.a -Wl,--dll obj\Release\main.o -o bin\Release\Test.dll -s -m32

        On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Merwan Ouddane
        < <>> wrote:

            I am not moving from another plateform :/

            I tried it in pharo 6 and I it didn't work either.

            It could be my dll. What is your compilation line for the
            dll ?

            Thanks you,

            On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Ronie Salgado
            < <>> wrote:

                Hi Merwan,

                I tested this on Pharo 6 and it is working in Windows.
                However, in 32 bits Window doubles have an 8 byte
                alignment, unlike Linux where they have a 4 byte

                Can you try doing the following before performing the
                ffi call in Windows, if you are moving an image from
                Linux or OS X:

                Vec3 rebuildFieldAccessors.
                Position rebuildFieldAccessors.

                Best regards,

                2016-07-05 11:11 GMT+02:00 Merwan Ouddane


                    I have an issue whith nested structures.

                    I made some "dummy" structures in c:

                    typedef struct vec3 {
                         double data[3];
                    } vec3;

                    typedef struct position {
                         int i;
                         vec3 vec;
                    } position;

                    And a "dummy" function to fill it:
                    void fillStruct(position *position)
                        position -> i = 19;
                        (position -> vec).data[0] = 1;
                        (position -> vec).data[1] = 2;
                        (position -> vec).data[2] = 3;

                    But I can't make the nested structure work.
                    The "i" is correctly set to 19 but I have values
                    that doesn't make any sense in the vec3 structure.

                    In Pharo
                    I declared the Double3 type for the array inside Vec3:
                    Double3 := FFITypeArray ofType: 'double' size: 3

                        ^ #(
                        Double3 v;

                    And the position:
                        ^ #(
                        int i;
                        Vec3 vec;

                    The ffi call:
                    ^ self ffiCall: #(void fillStruct(Position
                    *position)) module: 'Test.dll'

                    Sorry for the long / messy mail :p

                    Any clues ?


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