Hi Dale, On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 11:53:19AM -0700, Dale Henrichs wrote: > While we're on the subject, when one does get a debugger How is a beginner > supposed to share the error information with the folks on this list? > > I have a debugger open on the stack after executing: > > Metacello new > configuration: 'GitFileTree'; > version: #stable; > repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo50/main'; > load > > which was my guess for the load expression and I'm getting a walkback that I > assume is the same as that produced by the Catalog Browser, but there is > apparently no way of really knowing ... > > Anyway, I've got a very nice debugger with a nice stack and nice error > message in the title bar, but I don't see any way of actually being able to > share a simple stack trace and error message with the mailing list other > than to produce a screenshot which will not show the whole stack .. > > I happen to know that the PharoDebug.log contains a stack trace (and I've > attached it to this email), but I don't know how a beginner would know to do > this, either. > > Of course, I think that the stack dump in the PharoDebug.log is unreadable, > but at least it is a sharable stack. > > Finally to summarize, the actual message error is: 'invalid version number: > normal version component must be integer v0' and this error is very likely > consequence of a proposed bugfix for a Metacello bug that was reported a > month or so ago [1], as I'm using a version of Metacello with the proposed > bugfix present ... so at the end of the day, this is a problem with my code > ... > > But I do think the two questions that came from this exercise are still > relevant: > > How does a beginner report/debug a Catalog Browser error? > How does a beginner produce a sharable stack trace? > > Dale
I can help with producing a shareable stack trace... The debugger has a set of buttons near the top: Proceed, Restart, Into, Over, Through. Just to the right of Through is a drop down list with Fuel out Stack and Copy to clipboard. You can use either of those to share the stack. HTH, Alistair