2016-07-01 22:54 GMT+02:00 Merwan Ouddane <merwanoudd...@gmail.com>:

> On 29/06/2016 23:42, Nicolai Hess wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> yes, finding a shortcut satisfying all users (for all different platforms)
> is not easy, see
> 15546
> <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/15546/alt-tab-does-not-work-correctly>
> alt+tab does not work correctly
> and
> 17924 <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/17924/Switch-Windows-shortcut>
> Switch Windows shortcut
> 2016-06-29 0:31 GMT+02:00 Merwan Ouddane < <merwanoudd...@gmail.com>
> merwanoudd...@gmail.com>:
>> Argh i was so thrilled by this ! But it doesn't seem to work on windows :/
>> Ctrl+tab gives the focus to the front window or makes an "inspect it" on
>> the current editor line...
> For windows, to make ctrl+tab working, you need to disable the
> "hasSpecialCTRLKeyValue"-check (I think this check is not needed anymore,
> since we changed the
> windows vm for ctrl+number/tab/space... keystrokes)
> Yes it works, thanks Nicolai.
> Is there a case where this method is still relevant ?
> I noticed some other weird behaviours in the events from the keyboard.
> ctrl + 'arrow up' and down are sending two keydown events instead of a
> keydown and a keystroke like the left and right arrow are sending.

I think this is some special behavior to deliver mouse scroll events.

>> Thank you anyway !
>> On 28/06/2016 14:51, Julien Delplanque wrote:
>>> Also, here is a screenshot (I forgot to attach it to the preceding mail).
>>> Julien
>>> On 28/06/16 11:06, Julien Delplanque wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> This mail to announce you that I am working on a windows previewer /
>>>> switcher for
>>>> Pharo [1].
>>>> It is still in early stage of development but it is usable.
>>>> To install it:
>>>> |Metacello new repository:
>>>> 'github://JulienDelplanque/WindowsPreviewer/repository'; baseline:
>>>> 'WindowsPreviewer'; load|
>>>> See the README for details on activation/shortcuts.
>>>> Please, if you have some ideas or critics let me know!
>>>> Also, a better name than "Windows Previewer" would be cool but I have
>>>> no other idea :-)...
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Julien
>>>> Links:
>>>> [1]: https://github.com/juliendelplanque/WindowsPreviewer

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