On 6/28/16 10:22 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
Hi Dale,

Le 29/06/2016 01:50, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

Okay ... it is "working" now ... I was also misled by the fact that you
are continuing to fabricate Monticello version numbers which presumably
cannot be relied upon in any way.

Tugrik-Help-DaleHenrichs.11 will show up in each branch that includes
the commit for "Tugrik-Help-DaleHenrichs.10", but the SHA and contents
would be different for each one of the "Tugrik-Help-DaleHenrichs.11" ,
is that right?


Perhaps using the short SHA in place of the "version number" would be
safer and provide useful information in the version number slot?

Maybe. But then you'll have a bunch of stuff expecting version numbers that will stop working.
Ah yes, the nasty Monticello version number parsing that is sprinkled around the universe... But at the end of the day, these are tools issues and we shouldn't let tools limitations stand in the way of progress ...

With that said I certainly understand the issues ... The design of Metacello was almost completely driven by "tools issues" and of course FileTree was originally written to be completely compatible with the Monticello tools ...

But by dropping monticello version data (actually making monticello version data optional) we are breaking the tools ... The fabricated version numbers that you are currently using do the job of not breaking the tools, but they break the semantics of Monticello and fool the developer in believing things that aren't true --- which is a bit dangerous in my opinion ...

So at the end of the day, if we are really going to _support_ optional monticello version data, then we need to make a pass through the tools .... I built tODE from the ground up so that I could make the tools directly git aware ...

If I support "Metadata" : "false" in GemStone, I do not intend to
fabricate a "realistic looking Monticello version number" ... but I will
look into using the short SHA (when in a git repo) and perhaps fall back
to cypress.1 for non-git repos...

Anyway, I will now be able to move forward with my Metacello Cypress
experiments and also try to understand how Metacello loads are affected
by metadtaless, since you _are_ fabricating Monticello version numbers,
my previous assumptions are not correct ...

Please tell how it goes, especially the part with the short SHA, because I haven't tried that; I kept creating version numbers to just have gitfiletree behaving like filetree (apparently).
I understand the motivation ... the basic theory is that when using Baselines and git, the monticello version number is not relevant any more ... as you point out above, the SHA will be problematic with regards to the handful of places in the system that parse package names to extract a version number and solving that problem by itself may not be practical -- it remains to be seen ...

The other half of this equation is that new tools should really be built to work with git-based repositories ... a Metacello Project Browser as the "main focus" would relieve the pressure to be completely compatible with the Monticello Browser and open the way for the creation of a Cypress Browser for working with git/filetree repos...


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