
I think I tried the obvious:

1. open existing repository with gitfiletree://
2. reload all packages from gitfiletree repo and remove old filetree://
   repo from each package
3. edit .filetree and add `"Metadata" : "false"`

but when I save a package I continue to get metadata created ...

I even tried removing and adding the repo after editting the .filetree file ....

I have a handful of additional random things that I will try, but I think it is also time to find out the proper technique:)

I want to gain experience with GitFileTree; test out the Metacello Cypress mode; and perhaps honor the `"Metadata" : "false"` in the GemStone version of FileTree ...

With a short time of usage, I would really like to be able to save all of the packages in a project (including the BaselineOf) in one commit ... I often have multi-package units of work that really should be committed together and of course if a method is moved across a package boundary, the independent commits don't allow git to recognize the move as a "rename" ...

Also I'm hoping that in metadataless mode I stop scanning the entire known repository universe for package versions that will not be found anywhere but in the repositories that I've explicitly associated with the the package itself:)



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