For Pharo I use the following pattern to do "automatic loads":
[ Metacello new ... load . ]
on: Warning, MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad
do: [:ex |
(ex isKindOf: MetacelloSkipDirtyPackageLoad)
ifTrue: [
"Load over dirty packages"
ex resume: false ]
ifFalse: [
Transcript cr; show: ex description.
ex resume: true ] ].
On 6/23/16 2:25 AM, Valentin Ryckewaert wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm currently using Metacello to download my project on a new image
very regularly and i'm having some trouble with this message :
You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have
unsaved changes in the image:
If you continue, you will lose these changes:
Load Merge Cancel
I searched for something to prevent it but didn't find it, does
someone know how I could automaticly do Load in these cases please?