On 06/15/2016 10:06 AM, Mark Bratcher wrote:
A couple of easy ones:
1) Does smalltalkhub.com <http://smalltalkhub.com> support private
projects (used, e.g., for CI)? I've seen a couple of posts on random
forums dating back a couple of years indicating that it did, but when
I went to create a project, I didn't see an option to make it private.
2) Is Squeaksource 3 (http://ss3.gemtalksystems.com/ss) currently
maintained? It still says "public alpha" and latest comments anywhere
or submissions to their tracker are old. Who is the current owner?
SqueakSource3 is hosted by GemTalk Systems and we continue to make daily
backups and keep the system up and running.
The latest version of SqueakSource3 is being maintained by Tobias Pape
and is currently in production at HPI.
SqueakSource3 is "frozen as an alpha", because the SS3 alpha was turned
on a month or so before the plan to create SmalltalkHub was announced at
which time I stopped development on SS3 expecting SS3 to eventually be
turned off ... unfortunately SmalltalkHub was late going into production
and I was asked to please start doing daily backups and make SS3
available until SmalltalkHub came on-line ... IIRC it took somewhere
around a year for SmalltalkHub to come on-line and by that time it was
"too late" to simply turn off SS3.
I have moved on to use Git and GitHub as a public source code repository
and we at GemTalk Systems continue to run SS3 as a courtesy to the community
There have been periodic plans to either upgrade SS3 or replace SS3 with
an up-to-date version of SqueakSource over the years, but the user
community seems to be satisfied with the status quo and the system has
been pretty stable over the years.
If volunteers step forward to drive an effort to upgrade/replace SS3 I
would be completely supportive of the effort, but I don't have the
cycles to lead such an effort.