Hi All, I'm working my way through some of the examples in PharoInProgress/Glorp. Adapting Pierce's code from his announcement:
| workingDir dbName login session | workingDir := SmalltalkImage current imagePath asFileReference parent fullName , FileSystem disk delimiter asString. dbName := 'glorpbook.db'. login := Login new database: UDBCSQLite3Platform new; host: workingDir; port: ''; username: ''; password: ''; databaseName: dbName; yourself. PharoDatabaseAccessor DefaultDriver: GlorpSQLite3Driver. session := GlorpBookDescriptorSystem sessionForLogin: login. session createTables. However this fails with: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "basicExecuteSQLString:" is nil If I add a breakpoint in GlorpSession>>accessor: manually execute: accessor login and then proceed, everything works fine. Given that Glorp has been around for so long, I guess that this is more likely an issue with the new UDBC driver, however I don't yet understand the architecture well enough to propose a fix. Any suggestions? Thanks! Alistair