Hi Sabine,

which version of Pharo are you using? I had similar issues, and I managed
to reduce those occurrences to a reasonable level by changing the way I
called OSProcess (and a lot of help from Dave). I do have sometime lockups
with OSSubprocess as well, but those are also rare.

(I do think this is a bug somewhere in the VM which makes it loose signals)

The code I use is in GitFileTree: a low-level way of calling OSProcess
which seems good at minimizing lockups.


2016-06-07 9:31 GMT+02:00 Sabine Manaa <manaa.sab...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> sorry but I have another issue with OSProcess.
> For my app, I want to show small .png previews from my .pdfs. For this
> reason, I use an external software, currently pdfbox. It works fine, but
> regularly, I get a hanging image. I tried to reproduce it and found out,
> that it is not a problem with pdfbox (http://pdfbox.apache.org), because
> from command line, I can call it often without problems. There can be
> (hopefully) many users in my app with many previews at one time. So I have
> to call it often.
> For reproduction of the OSProcess issue, I used another simple command
> (from
> my other OSProcess umlaut issue :-)) to test it.
> calling this, results in a non responding image:
> 20 timesRepeat: [OSProcess   command: ('cp
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/reports/bar.pdf
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/reports/test-c.pdf').].
> also this:
> 20 timesRepeat: [OSProcess   command: ('echo "Hi there"').]
> My original code is similar to this but here only for information:
> OSProcess
>                 command:
>                         ('{1} -jar {2} PDFToImage -format PNG -page 1 -dpi
> 100 {3}'
>                                 format:
>                                         {'Library/Internet\
> Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java'.
> '/Users/sabine/Desktop/pdfbox-app-2.0.1.jar'.
> '/Library/WebServer/Documents/reports/201411121510-112859865-3378921/20150605_170_IFA_Berlin_Reisekostenabrechnung.pdf'}).
> So, my question is: is it wrong, calling OSProcess like this? How to do it
> instead?
> I am sorry to ask again and hope that there is a simple solution.
> Or is it a bug in OSProcess?
> Regards
> Sabine
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/OSProcess-command-non-responding-image-when-calling-often-tp4899540.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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