Le 22/05/2016 22:32, mathias arnaud nkeumo tsombeng a écrit :
> Hi All,
> Am trying to use metacello to install some pakages onmy pharo from
> github and smaltalkhub but am having some issue. here is the code am
> executing on the playground
> Metacello new
>     configuration: 'OfNeoCSV';
>     repository:'https://github.com/svenvc/NeoCVS/tree/master/repository';
>     version: #stable;
>     load.
> here is the error i obtain.


The configuration should be NeoCVS and not OfNeoCVS.

Metacello new
        githubUser: 'svenvc' project: 'NeoCVS' commitish: 'master' path:
        configuration: 'NeoCSV';
        version: #stable;

> Could not resolve: ConfigurationOfNeoCSV.
> Best Regards.
> A Tsombeng

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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