Hi again,

This implementatin http://ws.stfx.eu/FSNU7TV3O5FY also shows a static downloading progress bar without any download, but the download works. Ofcourse any example with another url for a smilar large file could work for me. I'm just testing with the file for this [1] (Soon a proper announcement).

[1] http://mutabit.com/offray/blog/en/entry/panama-papers-1



On 12/05/16 18:00, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Sven,

Thanks for your quick answer. I tried both approaches but I'm missing something. See my last attempt at http://ws.stfx.eu/KBVBAP72IWOO with the last one. I get a progress bar message, but not the advancements on it. What I'm missing?



ps: The file I'm trying to download is covered by the Open Data Base License.

On 12/05/16 17:24, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
Hi Offray,

The actual implementation of #saveContentsToFile: can be found in ZnHttpSaveContentsToFile>>#performOperation where you can see how ZnClient is invoked. Just copy that with signalProgress: true added and you should be good.

Alternatively, you could wrap the first expression as follows:

   value: true
   during: [ myUrl asUrl saveContentsToFile: file ]

ZnSignalProgress is a DynamicVariable that is used by ZnClient to figure out if progress should be signalled. It takes precedence over the option #signalProgress. See #withProgressDo: if you are interested.



On 13 May 2016, at 00:14, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:


I'm using

myUrl asUrl saveContentsToFile: file

to download large files and is working fine. But I would like to add a progress bar to show the progress to the user. Previously I used

[: bar |
        bar title: aString.
            "A classical ZnClient download with signalProgress: true;"
            on: HTTPProgress
            do: [ :progress |
progress isEmpty ifFalse: [ bar current: progress percentage ].
                progress resume ].
    ] asJob run.

but I don't know how to signal progress with "saveContentsToFile".

Any hints?



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