2016-05-12 12:50 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> Hey I wanted to inform you that I will be doing a 30 minutes presentation
> of Pharo in Hackerspace , Athens so if there are any Greeks watching the
> list they are more than welcomed to join. My talk will focus on live coding
> and no familiarity with Pharo/Smalltalk or programming experience required.
> The talk will be 30 minutes and it will be given in 15:30 28th of May 2016
> (Saturday) as part of Hackfest 2016 organized by Hackerspace in Athens.
> More info can be found here
> https://hackfest.gr/
> This will be both the first time Pharo is presented in Greece and my first
> presentation so I am pretty excited about how it will go. Wish me luck :)

Good luck and have fun talking about what you like and wish!


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