On 01/05/16 04:00, Arturo Zambrano wrote:
I'm using RT on top of pharo5.
As I need to export to pdf, I also installed
development versions
Exporting to pdf fails with MNU RTPDFVisitor>>visitMapShape:
any hint regarding this?
The PDF exporter has its last updates in november, so might be slightly
out of date. When comparing RTSVGVisitor2 to RTPDFVisitor, I notice
some missing visitors.
AFAIK, Artefact has limited bitmap support at the moment,
and uses the JPEGReadWriter instead of embedding directly.
You need to add something like
RTPDFVisitor>>visitBitMapShape: aBitmapShape
| s |
s := WriteStream on: ByteArray new.
TRPlatform current pngReadWriterClass putForm: (aBitmapShape form)
onStream: s.
page add:
from: aBitmapShape encompassingRectangle
topLeft x mm @
aBitmapShape encompassingRectangle
topLeft y mm
dimension: aBitmapShape width mm @ aBitmapShape
height mm
fromStream: s contents readStream)