
2016-04-26 14:39 GMT+02:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:

> Hello,
> i am not new to Pharo nor to the list but this is the first time i speak
> here, so : hi =)
> I started a phd a few month ago (with Alain Plantec) on context oriented
> programming and dynamic programs adaptation. I am using Pharo for my
> experiments and i would like to intercept messages sent to an object just
> before they get to their receiver. To be more specific, when #msg is sent
> to an object o, i want to be able to intercept it just before it is
> actually executed with the following objects at my disposal : the receiver
> (o), the message or selector, the sender. My objective by doing that is to
> (try to) change the lookup for a given method, and to be able to choose in
> which class the lookup will start.
> I have been looking a bit and it does not seem to be a "simple" way to do
> that in Pharo. Is that even possible and if so, any advice on where i
> should look ?
I think it is not possible from image side. As I understand correctly you
are going to change general message send mechanizm. You could hack VM for

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