> On Apr 20, 2016, at 23:55, Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 11:43:19PM +0200, Cyril Ferlicot D. wrote:
>> Le 20/04/2016 22:47, Alistair Grant a écrit :
>>> So, time to learn more about Monticello...  Reading the Updated PbE is
>>> helpful, however I did notice one thing which doesn't match my
>>> experience.  On page 150 it is discussing how you can't lose code...
>>> "This is because all of the code that you executed is saved in the
>>> .changes file. All of it!  This includes one liners that you evaluate in
>>> a workspace, as well as code that you add to a class while programming."
>>> Should "workspace" be changed to "playground"?
>> Yes, can you open an issue please? :)
>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample/issues
> Issue 164:
> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample/issues/164
>>> My experience has been that code evaluated in the playground is *not*
>>> saved to the changes file (Pharo 4.0 and 5.0).  Is there a way to tell
>>> Pharo to save evaluated code to the changes file?  (I admit to being
>>> lazy and not trying to figure this one out myself yet).
>> All the *compiled* code is save. The playgroud is for playing, so it is
>> not save in the change file.  But the playground should save the code
>> and you have a little menu to select your last scripts.
>> http://puu.sh/opMd9/a823c07bf9.png
>> If you use several times the same code you can also give a name to the
>> tab (2 click on "Page") and after you can save the playground code. Via
>> the spotter you can use the name of the tab to get a playground with the
>> code.
> This sounds great, but I can't reproduce it.  Would you mind clarifying
> what you mean by "2 click on Page"?  I tried clicking on the various
> buttons, and clicking action-clicking, and middle buttong click on the
> tab name ("Page"), without success (Pharo 5.0 50702).

I think you want to double click on "Page". At least it works on Mac OSX and 
Pharo 5. 
>>> Finally, in Section 8.2 on versions of a method, my impression from
>>> reading the section was that it would always display all versions of a
>>> method, i.e. I have 24 versions of a package in my package cache, so
>>> expected to see each modification to each method in the package.
>>> However because I had switched to a new image and loaded the newest
>>> package, only the latest version was shown.
>> In the setting you can change the package-cache location to use always
>> the same location even when you change of image. If the book is not
>> clear can you copy/paste your mail into a github issue please? To not
>> lose this feedback :)
> Issue 165:
> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample/issues/165
> If I get time I'll also make the suggested changes and issue a pull
> request.
> Thanks!
> Alistair

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