On 16 April 2016 at 11:33, kmo <vox...@gmail.com> wrote:

> /Pharo is yours, so you can add it. :)/
> Yes, but I don't want to add it. I expect it to be there out of the box.

If you expect a perfect system out of the box, you will never get it.

> think it's quite enough work for me to add my own code on window close. I
> don't want to have to write the framework for doing it as well.

Point is, it's not by design if the feature you're asking for is absent out
of the box; nobody in Pharo decided you should HAVE to implement it
yourself. I think everyone agrees that the platform should provide that
feature, however everyone is focused on different issues, and you seem to
be the first one for whom it's an itch worth scratching. It's open-source,
so the system is yours too and it's the responsibility of everyone to
improve it.

If you really need the feature but don't want to implement it yourself, you
could sponsor someone via the Pharo association or the consortium.

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