Yes, I've been using this approach for some time.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 2:24 AM, Damien Pollet <> wrote:

> Oh, nice!
> Just to be sure, because 2:15am is not the best time to start playing with
> code… if I understood correctly, I'd load the depended-upon baseline from
> gitfiletree, lock it, and then that would take precedence over the
> github:// repo specified in the baseline of the main project?
> I'll try tomorrow, thanks :)
> On 13 April 2016 at 00:38, Dale Henrichs <
> > wrote:
>> Damien,
>> You want to use a a lock[1]. Look at the section on locking a
>> `filetree://` repo [2]--- should be similar for locking your gitfiletree
>> repo ...
>> When you load you may want to use `onWarningLog`, because locks do
>> generate Warnings telling you the the lock is being honored (i.e., the load
>> is taking place from the local clone, not github as specified in the
>> baseline) ...
>> Dale
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On 04/12/2016 11:18 AM, Damien Pollet wrote:
>>> I have a couple projects that I develop together; the first depending on
>>> the second, and both managed on GitHub (in separate repositories).
>>> The BaselineOf therefore expresses the dependency using repository:
>>> 'github://…'
>>> However, I'd like to locally change that to gitfiletree:// so that I can
>>> build new development images from scratch, with both projects ready to
>>> commit to gitfiletree, with minimal repo juggling and code reloading ?
>>> Is there a way to achieve that? Metacello project attributes? a git
>>> submodule?
>>> --
>>> Damien Pollet
>>> type less, do more [ | ]

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