You don't need to repeat packages in the requires statement. Requiring
'Math-DistributionGamma' is sufficient to pick up 'Math-Core',
'Math-DHB-Numerical', 'Math-Series', and 'Math-Core-Distribution' as
requirements as well ... .
On 03/26/2016 02:00 PM, stepharo wrote:
using the dependency analyser I see that may packages have the
following dependencies
for example
package: 'Math-DistributionGamma' with: [ spec requires:
#('Math-Core' 'Math-DHB-Numerical' 'Math-Series'
'Math-Core-Distribution') ];
package: 'Math-DistributionBeta' with: [ spec requires:
#('Math-DistributionGamma' 'Math-Core' 'Math-Core-Distribution'
'Math-DHB-Numerical' 'Math-Series') ];
so I wrote the requirement this way
Now does it have an impact on Metacello and should I keep only the
direct depend.
package: 'Math-DistributionBeta' with: [ spec requires:
#('Math-DistributionGamma' ) ];
This is annoying because I have 50 packages and doing that manually is
a pain.