This is a really great joke:

> <>

But should you feel the need to implement this extremely valuable web service 
yourself, here is how you could do it in Pharo (error handling is not 100% 
bullet proof, this is just a quick demo, but you get the idea):

'paddin'' oswalt' padLeftTo: 68 with: $@.

(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8080)
   onRequestRespond: [ :req |
     | str len ch |
     str := req uri queryAt: #str ifAbsent: [ '' ].
     len := req uri queryAt: #len ifAbsent: [ '' ].
     len := Integer readFrom: len ifFail: [ 0 ].
     ch := (req uri queryAt: #ch ifAbsent: [ ' ' ]) first.
     ZnResponse ok: (ZnEntity text: (str padLeftTo: len with: ch)) ].
ZnClient new
  host: #localhost;
  port: 8080;
  queryAt: #str put: 'paddin'' oswalt';
  queryAt: #len put: 68;
  queryAt: #ch put: $@;

$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/?str=paddin%27%20oswalt&len=68&ch=@'

Of course, if you are really going this into production, you'll have to pay me 
and Pharo the necessary royalties ;-)


PS: Returning a JSON (which does not really make sense here) is left as an 

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