On 03/03/16 09:23, stepharo wrote:
for the mooc I would like have a list of how to that students should
look in the system and implement.
The idea is to show to the participants that Pharo is open and that they
can find information.

At #saner16 there was a talk about type hints in argument names in Pharo. The longest they found was aSelectorOrElementOrjQueryOrBooleanOrNumber. Alexandre replied that that could have been one of his, so I checked in a Seaside image (jQuery is a good hint), it was
JQAccordion>active: aSelectorOrElementOrjQueryOrBooleanOrNumber
by Lukas. So what are the longest type hinting argument names Alexandre uses? In Moose 6-1137?

arguments := Set new.
(CompiledMethod allInstances select: [ :each |
  each author = 'AlexandreBergel' ])
do: [ :m |
  arguments addAll: m argumentNames ].
arguments asOrderedCollection sort: [ :a :b | a size > b size ]



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