2016-03-10 15:52 GMT+01:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com>:

> I'm looking at the dependencies of pharo-launcher on ubuntu, and I don't
>> see any dependency on libcairo2:i386.
> It's a Cairo dependency, not necessarily Pharo's dependency — i.e. you can
> use Pharo for a long time and never need cairo.
> For a smother Gnu/Linux experience, the message could be a little bit more
>> descriptive, something advicing to check for LibCairo 32 bit in the system
>> and installing it, if it is not present.
> Well the error does say 'Cannot locate cairo library. Please check if it
> installed on your system', and from the paths it's checking its pretty
> clear what it needs.

Ok. Just to check. Are you advocating that leaving out cairo as a
dependency of the main pharo app for new pharo users is a 'feature'?


> So if you are a linux user it's more than enough to see what's going
> on/what's needed.
> And if you are not a linux user, then anything short of exact instructions
> how to install it would be imho equally useless.
>  I have been thinking in some kind of interface with the Nix package
>> manager[2]
> Because what's better than telling users how to install a package in a
> particular distro?
> Tell them how to install a whole new package manager in their particular
> distro and then tell them how to install a package.
> We can also go all the way and just bundle all the libraries and have
> option to download "self-contained linux vm" (this is what I've actually
> done for one of my projects, because the users didn't have root privilege
> to install new packages on the computers).
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
> offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
>> Evan,
>> We had this problem in every Data Week workshop. Is just matter of
>> installing the libcairo 32 bits package for your Linux distro. In the case
>> of ubuntu, you could adapt instructions at [1]. For a smother Gnu/Linux
>> experience, the message could be a little bit more descriptive, something
>> advicing to check for LibCairo 32 bit in the system and installing it, if
>> it is not present. About multi-unix package installation support, I have
>> been thinking in some kind of interface with the Nix package manager[2], so
>> when something is not there, Pharo could offer automatic installation.
>> [1]
>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package
>> [2] http://nixos.org/nix/
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 10/03/16 09:12, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Alexandre Bergel <
>> <alexandre.ber...@me.com>alexandre.ber...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Evan, let us know how it goes! This is important to understand what’s
>>> going on
>> Well this is well-known thing. Pharo is 32bit only, so all libraries have
>> to be also.
>> But maybe it could be mentioned just-in-case somewhere on the website,
>> and ways how to install it on linux (i.e. what command should the linux
>> user execute in his particular distro, e.g. apt-get install libcairo2:i386
>> on debian/ubuntu, XYZ on Arch linux, etc.)?
>> For both Windows and Mac the cairo library is bundled with the VM, but in
>> linux it's a bad practice and package manager should be used instead to
>> install the packages (on linux it's actually 6 libraries, but package
>> manager handles the dependencies automatically).
>> Peter

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