Cool initiative!
Tx Jannik
I blogged it and twitted it :)

Le 9/3/16 08:47, jannik laval a écrit :
Finally, I made it.

It is available here:

Best regards,

2016-03-07 12:18 GMT+01:00 Hilaire < <>>:

    In last resort, it is still possible for a LiveCD to get Pratch
    installed even if not a Deb package.

    But yes, Pratch will greatly gain exposure being a Deb package,
    propagated to the debian family distribution. I write that, but
    DrGeo is
    not deb packaged as well...

    Good luck.


    Le 07/03/2016 08:32, jannik laval a écrit :
    > I send the email to the pharo community.
    > Can someone help us to create a phratch .deb package ?
    > The need is for a french professor who needs to create a debian live
    > distrib for education. He want to include phratch instead of
    scratch /
    > snap ...
    > So, it is a great opportunity for  us.
    > Thank you for your help.
    > Jannik

    Dr. Geo

~~Jannik Laval~~
Responsable Pédagogique Licence Coordonnateur de Projet en Système d'Information
IUT Lumière, Université Lyon Lumière
laboratoire DISP

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