And there it is!

This is a cool add-on for newbies or image crashers (FFI users for example).

On 02/26/2016 05:59 PM, Blondeau Vincent wrote:

I am eager to see it with a better change set manager, i.e. Epicea ;)

Your tool works nicely when you save and close the image properly.
However, when you close directly the program by clicking on the cross (which is 
easier than going into the world menu after a CTRL+SHIFT+S), the image doesn't 
crashes, but you get a message to retrieve your changes.
I think that managing this case is harder because you have to interact with the 
vm, haven't you?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pharo-users [] De la part de
Thibault Raffaillac
Envoyé : vendredi 26 février 2016 17:40
À :
Objet : [Pharo-users] CrashDetector made for sprint

Dear Pharo users,

We made a short script with Guille during the Pharo sprint to detect at
startup when image crashed, and propose to open changes browser to
recover lost changes. It should be useful for beginners who do not know of
the Changes Browser.

It should be available tomorrow on Catalog browser, otherwise run:
Gofer it
       smalltalkhubUser: 'ThibaultRaffaillac' project: 'CrashDetector';
       configurationOf: 'CrashDetector';

Patches and comments welcome :)

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