Hi Thorsten,

I had already filed a bug report and the topic is under investigation.
I saw your post and I do not have further details yet, I just know that Windows users should not replace their current images with the latest images yet. Otherwise they might have trouble.

I wrote that Pharo images listed in the Launcher do not work. I did not mention a particular combination of configurations.

I am sorry that I hijacked your thread. I work on all platforms but I used Windows only past 4 days.

If you would like to follow the bug please visit:

Unfortunately, this issue is brand new and I couldn't write more details on that except warm to wait for further info before upgrading images on Windows 8.


On 2016-02-17 5:11 PM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I don't want to spoil the great news, but actually the most recent
changes break Pharo 5.0 with SpurVM on Windows 8.

I tried several older snapshots of the VM and the Pharo images listed in
the PharoLauncher but none work.
Seriously you should rethink your way of COMMUNICATION:

  1. This thread here is about a specific UNIX package and you tell us about a
     general Pharo problem you seem to have on a completely different platform: 
       => ????

  2. You "hijack" this thread instead of opening a separate one specific
     to the problem and asking if others might have the same issue.
       => ????
3. You "give a general warning" to others already to "keep their images"?
     No details on what modification could possibly harm the image.
       => ????

  4. You talk about a broken Pharo 5 - but do not tell us what/where it is 
     Did the image not come up, is there a problem in a tool or when calling
     something/using UFFI.
       => ????

  5. You talk about "recent changes" without telling us when it started or at
     a minimum with which image version you face the problem. When it worked
     before then one can easily use Launcher to incrementally download and check
     several images to find out which change broke something.
       => ????

  6. You say you cant build a new image since a few days without giving any
     information what packages you load or how you build your custom images.
       => ????

  7. You said that you used several combination of VM and images but
     do not tell us which one you used/expected to work.
       => ????

Sorry - do you really think this is a good way to report a problem?
How do you expect someone to invest his sparse spare time to help you?
Maybe it is much easier to "just lament" instead of "being supportive".

As an info: I also use Pharo 5 (even latest images up to Pharo 5 #50586) on 
with Spur since 2 months. Found smaller issues that I reported, most of them are
already adressed because I was able to give a clear picture of what the problem 
And yes - times are a little bit shaky because of Spur and UFFI - but this
was already announced/warned before and situation has improved a lot with
latest updates.

Please do us all a favour and open a new thread or much better a bug
report with exact details to reproduce if you have any finding.

Before that check your setup: for SpurVM you should try:
   http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo-spur32/win/stable-20151214.zip (which is the 
Spur build from December)
(which is the latest CI built)
with the highest image build number: http://files.pharo.org/image/50/

For non-spur images (Pharo 4.0 and Pharo 5.0 up 50496 update) you need the old
non-spur VM: http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/

If you use Launcher check that you use the latest green build from 
and that spur and non-spur Vm is correctly configured in the Pharo launcher 


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