Le 04/01/2016 10:44, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
> Hi Cyril,
> It is not something we want in Versionner.
> An external project *must* have a configuration to refer to it. If not,
> you will take random packages without knowing if they have themselves
> dependencies.
> What you should do is to create a project for that and then ask
> Versionner to only load the package you need (right-click on the project
> dependency).
> Christophe


So we have to create ourself a configuration for each project that
doesn't have a configuration/group that match our needs if we want to
use versionner if I understand right. Ok, thank you.

And is there a way to execute pre/post scripts (#postLoadDoIt: in
ConfigurationOfXXX) with versionner ? If not is it something you want to
add to versionner or this will not be add ?

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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