I am a huge supporter of Pharo being directly connected to the outside
world and not just recreate (I wont use the term "reinvent the wheel"
because I was always found it a stupid remark anyway) something that it
exists out there without an obvious advantage. However it makes sense in
many cases because of the tiny fact that when one chooses and dedicates his
life on one language he or she will want to code on that language alone.

I think in case of Pillar makes sense to create something in Pharo because
the existing solutions are not that powerful anyway with the notable
exception of Latex which is something that Pillar can use and inline
anyway. Personally I love Pillar, the syntax, installation and the general
usage is super simple.

I also think that having a documentation frameworks instead of using one
from another language is a must have because documentation is super
important and you should not be limited by what people do in other
languages and its not that complex to implement like for example version

Of course Pillar is somewhere in between because on one hand yes its a
Pharo implementation but on the other it depends on Latex for the creation
of pdfs, so I think overall its a very well designed frameworks with very
good syntax, small learning curve and enormous abilities because of the
latex integration.

So to answer your question

Why Pillar ?

Because its awesome :)

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 9:37 AM Saša Janiška <g...@atmarama.com> wrote:

> On Pon, 2015-12-28 at 21:41 -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> > Skeletons go beyond themes (grav also have them). They're like
> > mini-sites ready to be filled out with your own content.
> Like demo-sites or with empty slots to add content?
> > The fact that I don't need to compile the site to see the output.
> > Nikola have implemented something like that, but is not the default
> > behavior.
> I know about live-reload which is present in Nikola - not sure about
> Ecstatic, but I do not expect more from static-site-generator.
> > Interactivity as a default is what makes me so happy with
> > Pharo/Smalltalk :-).
> Well, that's another world. ;)
> Sincerely,
> Gour
> --
> For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of
> friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will
> remain the greatest enemy.

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