Hiya, I see that Pharo project has embraced Pillar system for documentation purposes and my first question was "Why Pillar?" since, iirc, comparison was made with e.g Markdown which is, obviously, not sufficient for eg. authoring books, but there are more capable markups with 'standard' implementations like rst/Sphinx and Asciidoc(tor).
Then I thought it must be some deeper reason, iow. something suitable to work more closely with Pharo itself. Now I have two questions: 1) Can someone answer in more detail "Why Pillar?" and 2) For some time I was considering whether to settle on using rst or AsciiDoc for *all* my writings, which means blog posts, my study notes, preparing books, writing articles etc. Since I've settled to use Python-powered static-site-generator (Nikola) along with reStructuredText markup which can call external 'compilers' to process blog posts written in specific markup, I wonder if it would be possible to use Pillar markup with it since it seems there is cli for it? Sincerely, Gour -- When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard.