Hi, All I'm from AFRICA/TOGO, I use Teapot, its Works, but the Routes cache stores the last Teapot routes, When i remove the route and restart Teapot server, after one requets, Teapot Report ERROR and show the route which i removed.
Egg. GET:/name/<name> -> [ :req | req at:#name ] GET:/user/<name> -> [ :req | req at:#username ] after remove the first route and do: ZnEasy get:' http://localhost:8080/name/John', Its works the first time. After if I do: GET:/user/<name> -> [ :req | req at:#username ] *Have this Error: TeaNoSuchParam: Param 'name' not found * *rrefer to the first route. if i remove the route, the message persist.* -- *John ATTIOGBE.*