I completely agree with this is why I did not push it further I just
brought it to your attention.

In any case, I am fine with Slack and I rely mostly on this mailing list
anyway. I rather focus on coding for Pharo than worry about a chat system

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:51 PM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
off...@riseup.net> wrote:

> I think both, rocket.chat and mattermost.org are interesting. Owning
> vital infrastructure, like the one of communications, is key for proper
> community empowerment, but the problem is that this is a small community
> without many spare resources and I don't know if any has the
> time/infrastructure to volunteer hosting them and making the test. What
> is a fact is that Slack has changed the way community interacts, mostly
> for good so exploring and owning alternatives is a valuable pursuit.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 16/12/15 07:05, Martin Bähr wrote:
> > Excerpts from Dimitris Chloupis's message of 2015-12-16 11:04:04 +0100:
> >> So since Slack has been so successful for our community , far more that
> >> has been in terms of participation and useful discussions (at least the
> 2
> >> years I have been around)
> >>
> >> it made me wonder if I could find an open source alternative to Slack
> that
> >> is at least as good as it if not better without a very different
> workflow
> >> (so we have to learn everything from zero) all the big pros and
> something
> >> that could easily interface with Pharo.
> >>
> >> Ladies and gentlemen meet Rocket Chat
> >>
> >> https://rocket.chat/
> >>
> >> The good news about Rocket chat is that it seems to have all the pros of
> >> Slack like close integration with tweeter, github etc etc . It has
> clients
> >> for all OS and mobile devices.
> > what it doesn't have is support for irc clients:
> > https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/issues/1259
> >
> > for me, that's a deal breaker. because as nice as these services are, i
> don't
> > have the patience to run a dozen clients for all different communication
> > services.
> >
> > it is bad enough that these services are not federated and i have to
> connect to
> > them to communicate, but at least support for common, already existing
> clients,
> > should be there.
> >
> > it does seem to have an irc bridge at least. a bit ugly, but workable.
> >
> > but there is also mattermost: http://mattermost.org/ (and it has irc
> client support)
> > seems at least as mature as rocket.chat.
> >
> > greetings, martin.
> >

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