On 12/13/15 6:28 AM, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
So it looks like that when I do

Metacello new baseline: 'ChronosManager'; repository: 'github://kilon/ChronosManager'; load

and I have ChronosManager already installed via the same command previously , if the repo has changed in the mean time , it wont get the latest zip from github and instead will use the existing zip to overwrite my image (Not cool at all).

Obviously a bug ?
No it is intended behavior ... to avoid downloading the entire zipped repository everytime you reference a project (whether or not there were changes up on github), the cache is not flushed unless you do a `get` command as follows:

  Metacello new
    baseline: 'ChronosManager';
    repository: 'github://kilon/ChronosManager';

(you probably need to use the latest version of Metacello, as well)

I see that I haven't documented this feature and that is "not cool at all" .... most of the code and documentation was written about 3 years ago, so users have finally caught up with me and it's time to update the docs:)


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/metacello-work/issues/380

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