Just to say that Stephan expressed very eloquently my thoughts !

> On Dec 13, 2015, at 08:41, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:
> On 13-12-15 06:10, horrido wrote:
>> Rather than view my posts as accusatory, you should view them as trying to
>> steer the collective thinking of a large group toward a more promising
>> direction...which is exactly what they are. My analysis of the situation is
>> objective, *not defamatory*. I see what's wrong with the status quo and I
>> look for possible solutions.
> I see you trying to steer without situational awareness.
> The great goal is clear, but there are bumps on the road and there is no 
> direct road to Rome. Your analysis of the situation is superficial and not 
> helpful.
> Marketing is most effective if it is aligned with strategy.
> I was serious about you having to make those Wardley maps.
> It all starts with user needs. Take a look at where new smalltalkers can come 
> from (students, old smalltalkers using something else, software reengineering 
> specialists, people from small languages who want an IDE for it, people 
> dissatisfied with their current large community language, etc), make some 
> persona for them so it gets easier to imagine what their needs might be. Do 
> the same for the people in our community (Researchers, independent 
> developers, small group in a large high-tech company, legacy smalltalk group 
> etc).
> To understand and explain why and when they might be persuaded to use 
> smalltalk, read
> Mary Lynn Manns & Linda Rising, Fearless Change, Patterns for introducing new 
> ideas
> Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm
> and possibly
> Mack Hanan & Peter Karp, Competing on Value
> From those user needs, make Wardley maps breaking down user needs in 
> technology and community needs, making them more and more concrete. Identify 
> what we support, where there are gaps and overlap, and what changes to expect.
> Then decide where you can with minimal effort have the most impact and focus 
> your marketing message there, using a positive story. Measure impact, see 
> what changed and repeat.
> Stephan

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Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 

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