And for the record, a number of long-time Smalltalkers have expressed their
appreciation for the work I've done. One of them (a 25-year Smalltalk
veteran!!!) said to me: "You may think the job was thankless, but I think
you did a great job." I really, truly appreciate his accolade.

Hey, I get it. Not everybody agrees with my marketing approach. *And not
every Smalltalker wants Smalltalk to become popular.* I expect these folks
to be in the minority.

It is sad and unfortunate that the Smalltalk community is divided in this

kilon.alios wrote
> *Look man you do more harm with these articles than you do good. This
> Smalltalk hype is the worst of its kind and completely misses the point of
> why Smalltalk is great. *

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