I'm making some data storage in SQLite, because of its self-contained
nature and because it let me focus on visualization by delegating some
query and storage matters to the little database. But for some moments I
have the data in an ordered collection, which starts to lag for 10.000
items. I would like to explore fast table as a way to storage my
temporal objects before putting them in the database, but when I'm
trying to install Glamour-FastTable there is a warning message about a
dependency on FTTreeDataSource. I tried running the following code:
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'estebanlm' project: 'FastTable';
package: 'FTTreeDataSource';
but is not working. How can I solve that dependency?
Ps: See some of you soon in Smalltalks Argentina. I'm already on Buenos
Aires. Is a really beautiful city and having the opportunity to
reconnect face to face with smalltalkers will be great after my last
Squeak Fest talk in 2007.