Sean P. DeNigris wrote > > Andy Burnett wrote >> Using Google service discovery API's with Pharo Smalltalk by Richard J. >> Prinz > Cool! I noticed a small bug
I created a new repo at since the original repo is self-hosted, I don't know what the contribution policy is, and I need the fix to continue my work. I'll keep the MC meta info so that my changes can be merged back if desired. Fun fact. I was able to send a multipart text & html email after a few gotchas. Here is the script in case someone wants to do the same: | api message raw | api := GoogleGmailApiUsersMessages new. api authenticate. message := MailMessage from: '"Mr. Sender" <>' to: { '"Mrs. Receiver" <>'. } about: 'Thank you!' asFollows: ''. message addAlternativePart: self plainTextString contentType: 'text/plain'; addAlternativePart: self htmlString contentType: 'text/html'. raw := message asSendableText base64Encoded. "Web-safe base64 from" raw := raw copyReplaceAll: '+' with: '-'. raw := raw copyReplaceAll: '/' with: '_'. api send: '' api options: (Dictionary with: 'raw' -> raw) where #send:options: is just the generated #send: with an argument passed through (instead of nil) as the last argument to: ... ^ self makeRequestTo: path usingMethod: action with: optionsDict. ----- Cheers, Sean -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at