Thanks for all comments.

Dne Po 26. října 2015 12:18:31, Hernán Morales Durand napsal(a):
> 2015-10-26 11:08 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman <>:
> > Thanks Adam.  This is a great initiative. I really like the
> > internal/external distinction.
> > 
> > A few questions...
> > 
> > Why is "Compilers" outside the circle?

I dont know :) - I dont even know if it should be included. It is part of 
Nautilus from this point 
of view. I em not aware about possiblity to choose different compiler or to 
compile e.g. 
javascript into smalltalk.

> > 
> > What is the "VB" part of "VB-Regex" ?
> Vassili Bykov was the original author of Regex11 and later it was renamed.
> > and a few suggestions...
> > 
> > > About categories I would group in different way but it's personal
> > 
> > choice. Like...
> > 
> > > Reflection
> > 
> > It would be nice to emphasise our reflective capability, but what
> > would be some subparts?
> Reflection is commonly decomposed in two parts: Introspection and
> intercession.

I em not sure if it fits into philosophy of the picture. Reflectivity as well 
as living environmet is 
attribute of Pharo. This picture is more about tools, applications, frameworks 
and libraries for 
Pharo. It can be pointed out in accompanying description (under Pharo logo).

> > > Code Analysis
> > 
> > This could just be "Analysis" and include Moose and SciSmalltalk.

There is Data analysis with Moose included. 

> > 
> > > Persistency
> > 
> > Maybe "Connectors" could be renamed to "Persistence".
> Yes, besides that would avoid confusion with the Connectors package.

Can be. First version contains this, but I change it because connectors to 
external databases 
are used for more then persistency. It may also allow to define model, query 
authenticate users, allows concurency etc...

So persistency is now under Data/Storing

> > It would be good to promote in-Image persistence solutions since that
> > is a speed advantage for prototyping.  btw, Is SimplePersistance
> > stable enough to be included?
> >!/~TorstenBergmann/SimplePersistence
> I don't know about SimplePersistence but in-image persistence is a cool
> feature that other technologies lack.

Agreed - this should be somehow in the picture.

> > I don't think Magma and SandstoneDb provide services to other clients
> > (??) and so don't seem related to "Server" and would group better with
> > "Connectors/Persistence". That does then leave "Server" a bit bare.
> > Perhaps "RemoteFrameBuffer" would be a good fit.
> > 

Yes, but they are able to provide service outside of running Pharo (through 
network), aren't 
they? I did not finish reading all books yet :)

Maybe this is a good question. What kind of services can Pharo provide over the 
network (or 
local sockets or pipes)? Zinc as HTTP for sure (somewhere I see HTTPS 
branch...or TLS 
implementation). WEB, REST and others are covered in Web development.
VNC - through RemoteFrameBuffer. 
Databases (direct connection without using REST)?
Repository and versioning (like Smalltalkhub - but I think it uses HTTP)
What about possibility to share objects (by cloning objects or by sending 
messages or by using 
proxy objects)?
(Now I em not able to think about anything else much usefull :) - SSH, NTP, 
IMAP, nothing 
like this seems to be right job for Pharo - but who knows :))

> > 
> > "Output" is a bit too much like "Export".  Perhaps it could be renamed
> > "Presentation"

Can be.

> > 
> > The legend could be moved to a corner (bottom left?), and "Pharo"
> > could be moved more centrally to its place.  In another shaded corner
> > you might list the major repositories:
> > *
> > *
> > *


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