At the end of the day, I would assume that it would be possible to run
travis-ci tests against a fossil repository which would be very useful
to have ... but like I said, I'm fine with whatever you guys decide...
On 10/24/15 10:12 AM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
Le 24/10/2015 18:56, Hilaire a écrit :
I was not aware filetree need to be modified as well? But wait, I can
use it right now with Fossil, so I am bit lost.
No, no. This is just the development of GitFileTree is integrated
inside the main FileTree repository.
If you look at,
you'll find both MonticelloFileTree-Core and MonticelloFileTree-Git
(as well as the Tests and the GitTests).
Le 24/10/2015 18:44, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
Hilaire, Dale,
the easiest would be to make a fork of filetree on github, and try
from there. But a branch in the main filetree would work just as well,
with the added benefit of the travis CI integration (and gitfiletree
has tests in there). Running tests locally is often necessary, but
setting it up is a bit more involved (but I should have that in a
Makefile somewhere).
Hilaire, if you prefer a Smalltalkhub project, just do so and I'll
make regular merges back into filetree.